Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Finding the Flow

Coming upon this sketch this morning as I reach for an improvement in my thought and body. What a surprise to find this funny and deep message! A sketch I made a few years ago, a gift sent up from the past to the present me. Just what the inner Doctor ordered.

It reminds me of the beautiful and endless flow of life, truth, and love from my divine Source, God, Love itself.

Love is already supplying me with all that I need, and my part is simply to realize this, feel the relief of it, and turn my tired thought downstream, and go with the Flow…!

The Flow is always on, always giving – and here as I write this, the phone rings and it is my beloved brother, calling from Florida. We have a warm and heartfelt chat, and I am once again amazed at the serendipity of it, at all the ways that Love shows itself …when I am simply ready to receive.

Citizen Gail 10/21/08

Monday, October 06, 2008

Morning thoughts and Meditations - 10/6/08

from my lesson:
"All that really exists is the divine Mind and its idea,
and in this Mind the entire being is found
harmonious and eternal." - Mary Baker Eddy

and from my pen:
Mind is all-in-all
and this Mind
is entirely good.

Do not focus upon the problem:
focus entirely upon the freedom
and expanding love
of the solution.

Love is my Source
and my Substance,
and I will align
with That.
