Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I Forgot!

Gee... just the other day I came upon some of the little cartoon sketches I used to love making. Very simple childlike drawings - of feelings. And yes, I forgot about them. How much fun they were to draw... how emotionally honest. And duh...! How perfect for the Briarpatch Greetings cards I design!

But today the light went on, and I saw how I could make this simple drawing and take it upstairs to Dan's printer/scanner, save it, email it to my computer, and use it in any digital creation - email, Word document, or especially cards designed with Publisher.

This is such a fun realization. I truly forgot I could do this - never connected the dots. Now I can see a whole new line of cards streaming forth from this idea.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Office of Citizen

From an email to Bill McDannell, who has walked across America to deliver a petition to Congress to end the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan http://wtetw.com . He has finally arrived in Washington. - Gail

Today's Abraham message, coming in my daily email, seems especially relevant to share:

Your government is the byproduct of the vibration of the masses. A war is the byproduct of the vibration of the masses. In other words, this is not a war that your government has waged against your will. This is a war that has grown vibrationally from the vibration of the masses.
--- Abraham-Hicks 5/8/2004

We have been badly served by our current leaders. Now it is our turn.

I think the real task - for those of us who want a better world - is to reclaim the power of the Office of Citizen in a vibrant democracy. To me, that is the real meaning of what you have done. Let's step outside our own comfort zones. Step outside the War on You-name-it kind of thinking. Begin imagining the much better America we all want to see - made up of American citizens who know their rights, who are not afraid to dream, to lead, to take the first step in faith. And all those steps that flow from that courageous act. Let us be the change we want to see happen in the world.


Monday, August 13, 2007

Rx for America

Here is a comment after reading a Common Dreams article entitled "US Tumbles Down the World Ratings List for Life Expectancy".

I think the real problem with well-being in America today is MESMERISM. Too much sitting in front of TV, too much exposure to advertising based on fear of…whatever. Fear of death, illness, obesity, poverty, terrorism. All stoked by commercial and political interests.

I swear if people would just switch of their TVs, take a walk, meditate, get a life, read a book, think their own thoughts for a change - this can all be reversed.

One by one we can envision and embrace a whole new way of being alive on Planet Earth.

Gail Murray