Sunday, December 30, 2007

Personal Poll - how the candidates look to me

As of today, December 30, 2007 here's how they look:

We're considering cavassing in Portsmouth for Obama next week, Dan is checking the details. We canvassed in NH for Kerry last time, a first for us, and a good experience.

Personally, I like all three Dem front-runners for different reasons:
Obama for his inclusiveness, his vision of the good we can reach for as a people.
Edwards for his sense of fairness and his willingness to shake up the big-money interests that distort democracy.
Hillary for her savvy, her bravery, and for the intelligence she would bring to that office.
I also like Richardson for his experience in government and foreign relations, his understanding of immigration issues, and his sense of humor.

Stay tuned...

Friday, December 28, 2007

Run don't walk to see The Water Horse...!

We were simply blown away by this beautiful movie, the magical story of a boy and his secret friend, lovingly hatched and raised until he grows too big to hide. Set in Scotland during World War II, it is a love story that transcends realities.

Here is a link to the movie's website for more photos

A movie that leaves you with a long-lasting smile,
xxx Gail


Sunday, December 23, 2007

Barack and Hillary

This cartoon by Barry Blitt in today's captures the intuitive sense I have of these two candidates. Barack, light and free and flexible. Hillary, burdened by baggage of all kinds, most especially by the tone-deaf campaigning of her husband, Bill.
Right from the start, I've thought that Hillary should stay in the Senate and serve the people by doing a great job there. She is doing a great job, by all means continue it!
At this moment in its history, the country needs uplifting in every way. Young though he is, I think Barack Obama has a sense of the direction we need to go, with the emphasis on 'We'. Not a pompous speech-maker, he resonates directly with the hope of a country where every man and woman has a chance for a full and fruitful life. By his very life he exemplifies a reason for that hope. And by his intelligence and inclusiveness he leads in a way that leaves no one behind.
This is a desperate period for America. It is time for a new type of leader. I pray we may have the guidance to choose well, and to live up to the real promise of freedoms we have - but barely know how to use.
Gail Murray


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

In a Barrel Over Christmas

I notice that I’ve been feeling unusually blah about Christmas this year. I feel like being quiet inside and letting it all go on by.

I have four vibrant grandchildren and usually put much thought into finding a gift for each one, treasuring the Christmas morning tip-toeing of a child down the stairs to see what Santa left in her stocking. We all know Santa isn’t real, but it’s such a fun pretend!

But this year…blah.

Perhaps it’s my spiritual journey, just retreating more and more from the materialism of it all. The jingle bells, advertisements, the never ending Christmas muzak in the grocery store and shopping malls.

My retirement income isn’t much, even though my grandmother heart is as wide as the ocean. I’m starting to feel like something is wrong. Should I be loving more, buying more, giving more? Especially buying more.

I have the idea of all these conniving advertisers, casting images of the perfect Christmas, with the real intent to make shoppers feel like a barrel of shit…until they buy their product. And all of us well-meaning friends and family members, scraping bottom and feeling guilty and inadequate to the occasion. Feeling like barrels of …HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!

I see a pattern here and I’m giving it a name - The Barrel of Sh-- Theory of Christmas. Just giving it a name, I found myself laughing longer than I have in years. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! It’s so irreverent!

As for the spiritual meaning of Christmas – the birth of the divine idea, the baby Jesus, the refugee parents, the manger, angels and all – that story lives and gives hope of transformation to anyone in a lowly place in life. But Jesus was poor, and had no use for pretense of riches or importance. Whatever would he think of his birthday today?

I think he’d understand exactly why I cringe at the thought of it all. There is nothing wrong with my love, abundant and flowing in all directions. There is nothing wrong with celebrations – holy or pagan – and may we all dance for joy. But I wish for my gift giving to be guided by inspiration, by love, regardless of the season. Let there be perfect need and response, and may I have the honesty to be there when the Spirit calls.

With love,

Friday, December 07, 2007

Tit Bits - a love story for knitters and healers


To my wonderful women friends
who may know someone in need of a new
left or right breast,
raise a toast to Beryl Tsang
who knitted her way to wellness
and emerged with a business
and a smile.

Thanks to my knitting daughter Jackie who sent me the story:
Source: knitty
or go directly to Beryl Tsang's site:
tit bits

Googling Beryl's name, I also found this reference to a workshop last April in Toronto:

April 23, 2007: Tit-Bits: knitting & breasts with Beryl Tsang. In this workshop themed "Take Back the Tit" participants will learn to knit and construct "Tit-Bit" out of a luxury fibre (cotton silk, soy silk or cashmerino) that can be used as an object d'art or object de nécessité. Women who have lost a breast to cancer can use the Tit-Bit as an alternative to those nasty silicone prosthetics that resemble liver, while others can knit one that can be used for social or political action.

Beryl Tsang holds graduate degrees in East Asian history and cultural studies and has a long and varied career that has included a stint as a policy "wonk," diversity consultant, community worker, adult educator and advocate. A practicing Buddhist, she has a deep interest in faith, feminist and social justice issues. She also publishes and speaks widely on gender, identity and class. When not working Beryl can usually be found hanging out with her family (two kids, their dad and their pet snake), knitting mass quantities of unsual oject d'arts and lying on a yoga mat. A knitter who believes in reclaiming public space she is a founder of the Toronto Knit Rabble and an organizer of the twice yearly TTC Knit A Long.

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