Sunday, February 17, 2008

Dan and Gail - a love poem for us

We are friends who exchange books, tender looks, and ideas;
friends who give comfort, encouragement, and laugh out loud
at the jokes we make.

We might share a bed, or a poem,
and always the weekly grocery list.

We seek truth, and share it,
any way we can.

Gail 2/17/2008


Friday, February 15, 2008

Better Work for Hillary

I think it's time to help Hillary get back to guiding the nation as the thoughtful Senator Clinton from New York.

True, there still are more primaries to go, but I personally feel the race is over. I think we should embrace her and thank her for fighting the good fight, and ask her to join us in forming a more perfect union.

My own favorite saying seems to apply here:"The right solution is a blessing to everyone and leaves no one out."



Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Notice the Contrast

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Barack on Super Tuesday Eve - Hartford Civic Center

AP photo

Yes I was there - wild horses couldn't have kept me from it! What a beautiful, colorful, vibrant crowd it was - what a moment in the history of our time. He is so intelligent, aware, respectful of people. A woman in the surging crowd apparently fainted or started to. He halted his comments, pointed to the disturbance, and asked people to give her some space, to make sure she was okay. Hearing that she needed water, he tossed a bottle from the supply under the podium, and the crowd carried it to her. Seeing she had been cared for, he went on with the program without missing a beat, because the beat includes all those who need to be lifted up - and that includes me. What a night!

With hope for us all,

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